The Solatube Blog

Do you ever feel like as the work week goes on, you’re just getting dumber? You lose focus, you’re more tired and less productive. You might pass it off as just being distracted by thoughts of the weekend that lies ahead. Well, the bad news is that the dimly lit space that you work in really is affecting your mental capacity. A new study conducted by Michigan State University neuroscientists, noted in a recent Fast Company article, has yielded changes in the structure of lab rats’ brains when... READ MORE
“Home is where the heart is”,  “Mi Casa es Su Casa”,  “There’s no place like home”,  “Home is where you hang your hat”,  “You better be home in time for dinner” –Mom. There are so many great quotes about home; they could fill a thousand Pinterest boards. That’s right, a thousand. It’s a launch point for most of life’s adventures and a returning sanctuary for when life’s adventures become … well … too adventurous. Because “home” is such a powerful human concept, and because it means so much to... READ MORE
National Inventors' Day celebrates those who have improved our world with their inventions. Here are a few of the great unknowns we're honoring. READ MORE